

Rarity: 5 stars
Rarity: 5 stars
Regular Attack
Physical Damage

Whislash is an Instructor Guard with a kit built around buffing 3+ block units. Poor uptime on her damage-oriented skill relegates her to a pure support with niche applicability, but while it’s up, she offers a unique and functional mix of ASPD and DEF buffs with a side of multi-target support DPS.

Trait:Can attack enemies from range; When attacking enemies not blocked by self, increase ATK to 120%

Operator Stats

Attack Power
Attack Speed
1.07 sec
Arts Resistance
Redeploy Time
80 sec
DP Cost
X1operator cellactive cellactive cell

Due to being a welfare unit, Whislash has a slightly longer redeploy time and higher base DP cost compared to other operators of the same rarity and branch, although in this case the increase in DP isn’t that big–with full potential she only costs 1 DP more.


  • Offers a unique mix of buffs along with some support DPS
  • Buff-oriented skill has good uptime and a quick cycle


  • Struggles against higher DEF enemies
  • More offensive skill has pretty bad uptime and lengthy cycle



When deployed, all Melee allies with 3 or more Block gain +6 ASPD and +12% DEF

Note: this talent can apply to summons of other Operators

While other Instructors mostly focus on buffing the target’s ATK, Whislash offers a less common ASPD buff and an increase in DEF. It’s not the best buff when it comes to strengthening DPS, but it’s global when she’s deployed, offers a good survivability increase, and can apply to units with less than 3-block with the use of Whislash’s first skill.


Motivational Skills

Per Second RecoveryManual Trigger
Initial SP
SP Cost
20 sec

The effect of this unit's first Talent increases to 3 times and Melee Operators with less than 3 Block gain half the effect

It significantly strengthens her Talent and has a good uptime. Unfortunately, it doesn’t offer much else. Even with the big boost to her Talent, Whislash’s buff isn’t that significant. It can increase the DPS and DEF of all operators; however, those with less than 3 block count will gain only half the effect, making it not really worth it if you don’t have multiple offense-focused 3-block operators in a team.

Skill Mastery

Recommended Rank

While the skill benefits from Masteries, those benefits aren’t that significant and there aren’t any major breakpoints. You can get this skill to M3 if you plan on using Whislash to only buff other operators with 3 block count, but it’s generally not recommended.

Recommended Skill

Whip Sword

Per Second RecoveryManual Trigger
Initial SP
SP Cost
25 sec

The effect of this unit's first Talent increases to 2 times; ATK +60%, Attack Range +1, Block +1 and attacks all blocked enemies

While not boasting the big talent multiplier of the first skill, S2 is generally the better option due to the boost it provides to Whislash’s DPS. The multi-target aspect makes it great at clearing waves of up to medium defense enemies. The additional block means that, when the skill is active, she benefits from her talent–giving her that bit of additional ASPD and DEF. The only real downside of this skill is its horrible uptime, making it something you don’t want to waste on clearing waves of low DEF enemies, as those can come much more frequently than the skill charges.

Skill Mastery

Recommended Rank

This skill doesn’t benefit much from its masteries. While the increase in damage is nice, the gains don’t justify the investment of taking the skill all the way to M3. The skill’s biggest issue, which is its SP cost, isn't improved much by the masteries either, making it not worth the investment for a majority of players.


Whislash module

Whipsword Wire.L


Attack Power
Can attack enemies from range; When attacking enemies not blocked by self, increase ATK to 130%
ADDEDNew Talent
When deployed, gives every allied unit with 3 or more block 1 layer of Physical Shield. 'Kazimierz' operators get an additional layer of Physical Shield

The boosted trait multiplier and additional ATK help a bit with Whislash’s sub-DPS role, while the DEF increase is a nice defensive boost. The new talent added with the stage 2 upgrade grants a physical shield to all units with 3 block or more when Whislash is deployed, including summons. With stage 3, Kazimierz operators will get an additional shield layer, regardless of block count.

Recommended Stage

Whislash’s main focus is being both a DEF and ASPD buffer, and she has too much downtime on her main damage dealing skill to be used as a sub-DPS consistently. The module only boosts her DPS capability and gives her a rather weak on-deploy shield talent. While the shields can be useful in some situations, like fighting a powerful slow-attacking enemy, they will mostly get wasted on enemy attacks that deal very little damage. Overall, the module does very little to make Whislash more viable and is not recommended for most players.


Block Count Buffers

Because Whislash’s buffs can fully apply only to operators with 3 or more block count, people will sometimes use a block count buffer like Nian or Pallas alongside her. This way, a lot more Operators can benefit from Whislash’s buffs, as a lot of melee operators are 2-block. Operators who buff their own block count can also be used, as long as their final block count is 3 or more.

External LinksAceshipPRTS
Last updatedSeptember 24, 2022