

Rarity: 6 stars
Rarity: 6 stars
Regular Attack
Physical Damage

Eunectes is a Duelist Defender specialized in high survivability and damage output against either a single or multiple elite enemies at once. Her innate survivability enables her to work very well on the frontlines or to be helidropped on top of powerful enemies. This makes her trait less of an issue, but still requires some extra management compared to other operators to ensure her skills have time to charge.

Trait:Only restores SP when blocking enemies

Operator Stats

Attack Power
Attack Speed
1.6 sec
Arts Resistance
Redeploy Time
70 sec
DP Cost
X1operator cellactive cell


  • Very high base survivability; This is further improved during skill usage
  • Skill costs are low relative to their potential impact
  • Requires little help to fight even the strongest enemies and bosses


  • Trait blocks all sources of additional SP without module, making blocking a necessity to gain any SP at all
  • Is prone to killing basic enemies quickly, reducing available charging time before the intended wave


Peerless Bravery

When HP is above 50%, attacks deal 115% damage; when HP is 50% or lower, gain 20% Sanctuary

This talent is dynamic and reinforces Eunectes’ main strengths–her damage output and survivability. The additional damage is a multiplier, thus having a strong effect alongside her high ATK boosts from skills. If she ends up under high enough pressure to fall below half health, the damage reduction is significant enough to make it easier to keep her topped up even with her S3’s innate health regeneration.


Increases this unit's SP recovery by 0.2/sec when blocking enemies

This talent is simple and helps make her already low SP costs on skill seem even lower. She already gains SP only when blocking, so it’s essentially always active when it matters and saves you a good couple of seconds of skill charging.



Initial SP
SP Cost
0 sec

ATK+25%, DEF+25%

As a passive skill, the stat boost is unimpressive, and it renders her SP regen talent completely useless. At best useful in AFK strats to bolster her stats a bit more, but it’s a waste of her capabilities.

Skill Mastery

Recommended Rank

The mastery costs are very high for a negligible increase in the stat boost, and is not worth considering in the slightest.

Menacing Slash

Per Second RecoveryManual Trigger
Initial SP
SP Cost
18 sec

Attack Interval increases a bit, ATK +180%. Stuns all blocked targets for the duration of the skill

The long stun with high damage output makes this perfect against certain priority targets. It’s the single longest stun in the game, making any stunnable enemy easy pickings for Eunectes and any other operator helping her. The skill will stun whoever happens to be blocked by Eunectes at any point during its duration; This means that if the current target dies, she will stun whoever is blocked next. It’s worth noting that she’s able to stun multiple enemies if her block count is increased. Since most bosses are stun immune, this skill is not recommended against them, that job is reserved for her S3 instead.

Skill Mastery

Recommended Rank
Mastery 3

The skill’s masteries give it much more potential, primarily because of the SP improvements enabling Eunectes to be used as a helidrop assassin against stunnable priority targets. The damage boost is quite significant, allowing her to take out most enemies alone throughout the skill duration. It is a low recommendation since there are similar options for the job, such as Specter or Surtr, and Eunectes’ value will mostly come due to preference or in situations where either is not tanky enough to survive being dropped on top of enemies in time to activate the skill.

Recommended Skill

Iron Will

Per Second RecoveryManual Trigger
Initial SP
SP Cost
35 sec

ATK +230%, DEF +160%, Block +2, restores 6% HP every second
This unit is Stunned for 5 seconds after the skill duration

This skill is an extreme stat boost that solidifies Eunectes’ spot as a boss killer. The additional block count makes up for her innately low block count. The health regen makes it easy for her to stay alive even without medics. She can deal with most bosses in the game without additional help, only really requiring it in the case she gets disabled by a status effect and is unable to block or fight back. The stun is a minor downside, but it’s short enough not to be much of a worry, even in the unlikely case that your main target survived. As an example of her capabilities, she can kill Patriot in his first phase within a single skill usage, only requiring some additional healing to survive.

Skill Mastery

Recommended Rank
Mastery 3

The skill’s masteries are significant for the ATK and DEF boosts alongside the additional health regen gained on every level. It makes it easier and easier to not get statchecked, while the SP improvements make it easier for her to begin making use of this skill sooner and more often throughout a level. It’s an easy mastery to recommend as it further enables her to deal with any enemy she encounters.


Eunectes module

Zumama's Tool Box


Attack Power
When not blocking enemies, gain +0.2 SP/s. (Can now gain SP from external sources when not blocking)
Increases this unit's SP recovery by 0.55/s when blocking enemies

The additional stats are good and reinforce the stat powerhouse capabilities of the branch. Its main standout is the trait effect allowing the branch to actually gain SP outside of when blocking. Passive SP recovery is reduced by 80%, while SP batteries such as Warfarin and Liskarm are given in full even when not blocking. This all comes together to make a big difference not only in general teams, but also synergistically. An SP battery such as Saga, which previously did not work at all with the branch, now works normally with them with the module.

Recommended Stage
Stage 1+

The module can be a game-changer for those who enjoy the branch and makes it an easy recommendation for them. One of the main things holding Eunectes back was her inability to charge up ahead of time if not blocking. Allowing her to charge up passively, even if slowly, makes a sizable difference, and is especially noticeable when combined with other SP batteries as her skills have a rather low SP cost. Further upgrades are notable, with Stage 2 doubling her talent SP bonus and Stage 3 going further without diminishing the boost by much. It’s still expensive, but worth considering as the module makes it so the talent actually boosts her passive regen rather than only when blocking. At each of the three stages, she is able to regen 0.24, 0.28, and 0.31 SP per second respectively. While small values, they add up a lot throughout a stage when there is downtime with no one for Eunectes to block. She has fairly low SP costs for the impact of her skills, making every little bit count.

Eunectes module

'The Little Ugly Thing'


Attack Power
When blocking, ATK +15%; DEF +15% (Can now gain SP from external sources when not blocking)
When HP is above 50%, attacks deal 123% damage; When HP is 50% or lower, gains 28% Shelter effect



SP Batteries (WITH MODULE)

All flat SP batteries are enabled if Eunectes has her module, allowing Liskarm, Quercus, and Warfarin to reliably work and completely enabling Saga’s SP battery. Both Liskarm and Saga are able to be placed behind Eunectes to work, as Saga’s S3 gains an additional tile of range to kill incoming enemies up front for Eunectes to potentially finish off, while Liskarm makes up for Eunectes’ 1-block and will cause any enemies passing through to improve the battery. Warfarin is an easy option; she serves not only as a buffer, but also as a form of sustain during downtime, all the while giving SP.

Ptilopsis’ Aura is always nice to give a boost to Eunectes’ passive regen when she is blocking; while it does work to boost Eunectes’ passive regen when not blocking, it is still reduced by 80% from the module effect. Even though the boost is rather minuscule in that case, it’s still enough to save seconds of skill charging assuming there’s a lot of downtime, as, when paired together with Eunectes’ talent, it gives Eunectes 0.3 SP/sec regen when not blocking.

Block Count Buffers and W

Block buffers simply enable her to block additional enemies if it’s desirable to have more block time with Eunectes. It also allows for Eunectes’ S2 to stun multiple enemies at once. The ability to turn multiple elite enemies into sitting ducks can be a fun one to have. Pallas is particularly effective as a block buffer, as she is also a stat buffer, provides some healing, and, due to Eunectes’ innate survivability, makes it easy to keep the Vigor buff up.

W is included as an additional courtesy since simply being within W’s long attack range boosts physical damage against stunned enemies. If making use of the additional block buffers to stun even more enemies for the long duration of Eunectes’ S2, then it’s simply additional free damage.

SP Batteries (NO MODULE)

Assuming you are trying to use SP batteries with no module, a lot of them end up ineffective with Eunectes. Even though Eunectes is not blocking and is unable to gain any SP, she’s still a valid target for Liskarm’s and Warfarin random targeting for their SP batteries, so they end up wasted at random if Eunectes is chosen when not blocking. Not only that, Saga is unable to work with Eunectes because crippled enemies cannot be blocked.

Ptilopsis is the only consistent option in boosting Eunectes’ SP if she has no module, because it’s a global aura that can’t be wasted and will always come into effect as soon as Eunectes blocks an enemy. (1.5 SP/sec)

External LinksAceshipPRTS
Last updatedOctober 2, 2022