

Rarity: 6 stars
Rarity: 6 stars
Regular Attack
Physical Damage

Blemishine, a Guardian Defender, can be a gimmicky yet powerful unit capable of both dealing decent damage and strong healing with great consistency. She is not without her issues, but remains a valuable addition to any roster on top of enabling strong synergies that can be both fun and very effective.

Trait:Can heal allies by using skill(s)

Operator Stats

Attack Power
Attack Speed
1.2 sec
Arts Resistance
Redeploy Time
70 sec
DP Cost
X1operator cellactive cell

Her stats are what’s expected of the branch, with balanced survivability and higher ATK than pure tanks to better enable healing. The greatest difference is Blemishine’s bigger focus on ATK from her trust gain, which specs her into healing and damage output.


  • Very consistent and potentially extremely high uptime on skills
  • Good mix of utility and intuitiveness
  • Can provide incredible amounts of healing
  • Works very well both individually and synergistically with her strong supportive abilities


  • Making the most of her skills requires a constant flow of enemies
  • Sleep as a form of crowd control has limitations
  • Lack of specialisation with skills other than S3 make her somewhat situational


Knight of Sword and Shield

When deployed, allies that have a Defensive Recovery skill also gain 1 SP when attacking

The effects of this talent are immediately noticeable - the extra SP generation enhances almost any operator it affects to an incredible degree. Providing offensive SP generation even only to herself already increases uptime drastically, and any defensive recovery unit will find Blemishine a fantastic ally to have.


Blemishine can attack and will prioritize Sleeping enemies; Increase ATK to 140% when attacking Sleeping enemies

This talent’s ATK multiplier effect is quite high, but its usage is painfully limited. One has to keep in mind that this skill’s only practical usage is as a tie-in to her S2. While external sources of sleep are not difficult to use, the nature of sleep cutting off output from any other operator renders this talent quite lacking in impact.


Surging Brilliance

Per Second RecoveryAuto Trigger
Initial SP
SP Cost
0 sec

The next attack deals 260% ATK as physical damage and restores the HP of a nearby ally for 150% of Blemishine's ATK
Can store 3 charge(s)

X1active cellactive cellactive cell
X2active celloperator cellactive cell
X3active cellactive cellactive cell

An incredibly straightforward skill that is simple in usage. Place her down wherever you need to alleviate pressure, and let the skill do its thing. Needing to hit an enemy to heal can make it a bit unwieldy and inconsistent, but the low SP cost and good numbers mean she can deal a respectable amount of damage while keeping allies (and herself) alive.

The amount of health healed is not affected by the ATK bonus from the second talent’s bonus vs. sleeping enemies.

Skill Mastery

Recommended Rank
Mastery 1

The skill is very simple and doesn’t do anything too special for her, which is the reason why its priority is so low. However, mastery here is quite high-impact. With M1 cutting down its SP cost, masteries can improve her output in both damage and healing significantly. If you plan on using this skill, putting in a single mastery is recommended for a good boost in its performance with a small resource cost. Further investment is at your own discretion.

Recommended Skill

Deterring Radiance

Defensive RecoveryManual Trigger
Initial SP
SP Cost
10 sec

ATK +110% and all ground enemies within the same tile as herself are put to Sleep. Restores the HP of all nearby allies by 20% of Blemishine's ATK every second

X1empty cellempty cellactive cellempty cellempty cell
X2empty cellactive cellactive cellactive cellempty cell
X3active cellactive celloperator cellactive cellactive cell
X4empty cellactive cellactive cellactive cellempty cell
X5empty cellempty cellactive cellempty cellempty cell

Blemishine’s defining skill, this ability provides incredible stalling as well as healing that can surpass even medics. She will put to sleep any enemy that she is blocking, as well as on her tile, meaning that she can stall a large amount of enemies at once, effectively “putting them aside” for later.

Sleeping enemies do not count as being blocked. As a result, while S2 is active, she is capable of blocking 3 more enemies if needed. Poorly used, this skill can cause more harm than good, such as putting enemies to sleep and preventing them from taking damage from burst operators, wasting their skills.

The boost in ATK this skill provides will also allow her to deal good damage to a majority of enemies, including some elites. Prioritising sleeping targets and dealing additional damage to them with her second talent can allow her to fight off an impressive amount of enemies, all while keeping herself and allies healthy.

With her first talent and a tiny SP cost of 12, the uptime for this ability is insane, and will keep your team alive in extreme conditions. It’s worth noting that this ability applies as regen, not direct healing - allowing it to heal otherwise unhealable operators and summons.

Skill Mastery

Recommended Rank
Mastery 3

Blemishine stands to gain a ridiculous amount from investment into this skill. For a variety of reasons, this is her highest priority. Both the ATK steroids and healing multipliers are increased, adding onto her healing twofold. Improved ATK also means she gets more out of her second talent when attacking enemies she puts to sleep, allowing her to deal with elite enemies with much more ease. Mastery has a huge impact in terms of SP - going from 18 to 12 SP at M3 makes it an insanely spammable skill when Blemishine is constantly fighting, heightening her healing capabilities even more. For the cost, this investment has amazing returns, and greatly improves her core gameplay when this skill is chosen.

Divine Avatar

Defensive RecoveryManual Trigger
Initial SP
SP Cost
30 sec

ATK +110%, DEF +60%; Every attack deals an additional 100% ATK as Arts damage and restores the HP of a nearby ally besides herself for 100% of Blemishine's ATK

X1empty cellempty cellactive cellempty cellempty cell
X2empty cellactive cellactive cellactive cellempty cell
X3active cellactive celloperator cellactive cellactive cell
X4empty cellactive cellactive cellactive cellempty cell
X5empty cellempty cellactive cellempty cellempty cell

The flashiest and most interesting skill in her kit, there’s a lot to unpack. A sizable DEF steroid, on top of giving a massive boost in damage output and the fastest healing in the entire game. Unfortunately, she cannot direct this monstrous healing towards herself, but that doesn’t stop this skill from being incredibly potent when used correctly.

The DEF up makes her reasonably durable, enough to withstand most enemies. She deals an extra hit of arts damage equivalent to her ATK, but the mixed damage this skill deals is a major downfall. When attacking an enemy with both high DEF and RES, this skill’s damage quickly falls off due to having its damage reduced by both DEF and RES. A majority of the time the more practical focus of this skill should be on its healing. Healing equal to her ATK every swing means that she’s healing upwards of a thousand per hit with a fairly quick attack interval, being able to easily keep anyone within range alive.

The best way to use this skill is to support a unit where your healers cannot reach, or simply as a panic button when other operators are threatened. This means that in some cases you’ll want to draw ranged aggro, especially arts damage, away from Blemishine, since she cannot heal herself with this skill. So long as she has an enemy to hit, allies, especially those who are already tanky, become nigh immortal.

Skill Mastery

Recommended Rank
Mastery 3

Masteries greatly improve her stats and allows this skill to reach ridiculous amounts of healing per second when in combat. It still remains more limited in usage since the sheer amount of healing can be overkill, and requiring additional support only makes this worse. While the offensive factor is crippled heavily against enemies with both higher DEF and RES, the skill remains very powerful. Depending on your team composition and situation at hand, this skill can make all the difference.This makes it worthy of consideration for any player wishing to use the skill.


Blemishine module

Echo of Craftsman's Guild


Attack Power
Damage taken is reduced by 15%
When deployed, allies that have a Defensive Recovery skill also gain 1 SP when attacking. When a 'Kazimierz' operator is deployed, gain 3 SP

The base module effect is a good boon for Blemishine, as she has sustainability and wants to be targeted to make use of her defensive recoveries but lacks survivability boosts outside of S3. Stages 2 and 3 focus on a themed Kazimierz team to fuel Blemishine with SP, which is more likely to be impactful in allowing for higher sleep uptime from Blemishine. Its additional stats work very well for her, as the damage reduction makes the raw HP more impactful than it seems. Boosting her ATK allows for improved healing capabilities, while additional DEF is a good bonus on top of everything.

Recommended Stage
Stage 1

Additional survivability from damage reduction is great as it’ll help with any damage type, making it worthwhile by itself for an operator who wants to be in the frontline. The improved stats make it all the more worthwhile as they all complement her kit well, making it a no-brainer upgrade for Blemishine with its low cost. Stages 2 and 3 aren’t generally impactful, but may come into use at times. Someone such as Gravel could be used consistently for higher uptime and sleep chaining with S2, but is too niche of a case to consider worthwhile.


Sleep Inducing Operators

Blemishine can only benefit from sleep with one of her skills, and only with enemies within her own tile, so she cannot use her additional attack range by herself. Sleep has become more prevalent among operator kits making it easy to build a team centered around it that can benefit Blemi. It’ll allow for increased damage output with the other skills, while enabling Blemi to safely charge S2 and S3 during their downtime.

Unhealable Operators & Summons

Blemishine provides very strong HP regeneration with great consistency that makes her a great ally for anyone, and additionally one of the only practical ways to provide additional healing to the aforementioned operators and summons.



Blacknight falls under a sleep inducing operator, but notably her summon Hypnos shares Blemishine’s capability of being able to attack sleeping enemies by default. It’s best made use of with Blacknight’s S2, where Hypnos both sleeps and deals splash arts damage with a bonus damage multiplier against sleeping enemies. The two form a good duo together and are very easy to use effectively for damage output against sleeping enemies.



A no-brainer and one of the most well-known operator synergies in the game. Blemi’s first talent helps Mudrock’s S2 massively by making it much more effective against slower attacking enemies, as well as providing healing if required using S2’s regen. This synergy creates a powerful feedback loop that can handle most situations comfortably.


6GuardArts Fighter

With the highest healing in the game, it should come as no surprise that Blemishine is one of the only real practical options for keeping Surtr alive beyond her S3’s natural lifespan. With a Blemishine, Surtr can stay on the board for upwards of 50 seconds quite consistently, even if she’s taking fire. Of course, as it stands, keeping Surtr alive remains rather unnecessary. However, Blemishine is a fantastic choice for the job if you wish to do so.

External LinksAceshipPRTS
Last updatedSeptember 24, 2022