TacticianRarity: 5 stars
- Regular Attack
- Physical Damage
- Position
- Ranged
Blacknight is a Tactician Vanguard who stands out by providing crowd control through the sleep effect. Her tactical point summon, Slumberfoot, is able to attack sleeping enemies by default, which allows her to chip away at enemies that are inflicted with Sleep regardless of the source. She can also consistently provide this support thanks to her good SP costs, and her kit is easy and intuitive to use.
Trait:This unit can designate one Tactical Point within attack range to call Reinforcements; ATK is increased to 150% when attacking enemies blocked by Reinforcements
Operator Stats
- Health
- 1625
- Attack Power
- 502
- Defense
- 133
- Attack Speed
- 1 sec
- Arts Resistance
- 0%
- Block
- 1
- Redeploy Time
- 70 sec
- DP Cost
- 14
- Range
Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 X1 active cell active cell active cell active cell X2 operator cell active cell active cell active cell X3 active cell active cell active cell active cell
- Sleep crowd control utility with good uptime that works even while summon is respawning
- Good initial SP and costs makes her skills faster to use than other vanguards
- Kit is intuitive to use, being able to use skills for purely for DP without wasting their effects
- Very few operators are able to attack sleeping enemies, so in most teams it will serve primarily for stalling without much damage dealt
- Low DPH against enemies not blocked by Slumberfoot naturally means her damage output drops sharply when it is respawning or she happens to target other enemies